Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pictures I like

We are half slacker and half dimwits. We lost our SD card with several months worth of pictures. Ever heard that parable of the woman who searches high and low tearing her home apart in search for a coin? Well rest asured I will open a bottle of wine and celebrate when that SD card shows its pretty little face. In the mean time, I am posting some of the cutest pictures we have taken lately. Also, you can click on the photos for fun comments that might mean something to family.


Alli Hintz said...

You guys have about thee most photogenic baby I have ever seen! Even with green goop all over her face, she's adorable. Maybe you should try & make a little extra cash and put her in magazines or something!

Colleen Martin said...

You have such a beautiful family. I am so glad to be their Aunt and I can't wait until I am able to hold them both. I love you guys so much and miss you with all my heart.

Aunt Bean

Robert said...

By "fun comments that might mean something to family," did you mean like "P2260578." Maybe I haven't gotten to the ones with comments yet...