But enough about that. I've decided this would be a good way to keep in touch and let people hear from me ever now and then. This blog is really kept up by Bruce and this is my first step towards hijacking it.
I've decided my first post will be my "I Am" poem in honor of my sister-in-laws, Erin and Colleen, and the wonderful Erin Rish. I started writing it a week ago and it has undergone several revisions. I probably could revise it for another couple years (the perfectionist in me) so I just decided to post it "as is", in its unfinished state. With it, I'm posting my daughter's first photograph. This is the real me, so enjoy...
I'm not what I appear to be.
I am still figuring myself out.
I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.
And yet, I am my own self.
I am optimistic at heart.
I am hopeful (most of the time).
I am extremely emotional.
I am sensitive.
I am a lover of people.
I hurt for those who are hurting and I rejoice when others are joyful.
I am a philanthropist without (lots of) money.
I prefer to see and recognize the good in others.
I am happy in beautiful surroundings.
I am happy telling, hearing and discussing deep thoughts.
I am a traveller at heart.
I long to see and experience new places.
I am selfish and indulgent (i.e., what I eat, my desire for a "comfortable" life).
I am lazy, even in my faith.
I am stubborn and want to be right.
I am fearful people will see all my inadequacies.
I am glad I am not in control.
I am trusting there is more to this world than I can see or touch.
I am a believer in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost...
Even when I don't understand it all.
Thanks for sharing...I'm trying not to laugh my evil English teacher laugh because my family is writing to, for and about each other...in a public space. Yea for computer-mediated family literacy practices!!!
I know, I'm a dork.
I love you Nicole. I am so glad you are joining us. I loved your I Am poem. Great stuff.
I AM the kind of person who writes a lame poem in 3 minutes flat just to be done with it.
Nicole IS the better kind. :)
Nicole... your I AM really resonates with me... so much of what you wrote sounds like what I've felt many times over but couldn't verbalize. Maybe that's why we're such good friends! Anyways... I miss hanging out. Y'all should come visit Seattle. Please go pick my blueberries. :)
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