Saturday, August 16, 2008

Garden Update

Just thought some of you might enjoy seeing the progress of our garden. Nicole did a great job planting it. We have harvested a lot of food already. One thing I have been particularly surprised by is the zuccini. As you pick them off the plant grows taller and taller and new ones continue to grow. This is not the way I am used to seeing zuccini grow. I thought they pretty much sent out a few fruit and that was it. This one seems to keep on growing. We have had a few really good carrots and cucumbers as well. The cherry tomatoes are about to all ripen soon which means we are going to have to start giving some away. Our snow peas, snap peas and grean beans have been alot of fun too. Nicole has already frozen a bunch for the winter.

I think throwing the irrigation in the garden and putting it on the timer was a huge plus. There has been a ton of fruit. We have yet to have any of the red peppers since they are still green and Nicole is probably going to harvest her first egg plant in the next day or so. I would imagine she will sneak it in my food at some point. She would have to as I would probably not eat it other wise. Not an eggplant fan. :(

1 comment:

mollyb said...

Love the pics! Remember when we were wearing jackets!? LOL. Looks awesome - those carrots are killer!