Monday, January 14, 2008

Going on a Bear Hunt

Ok. I am hesitant to put this on for two reasons. First its a pretty high level of silly to have on a blog, and second its really long. So just know that you should have plenty of time 10 or so minutes set aside to watch this. This is one of Rachel's new favorite books and my new favorite excercise routine. Its not super funny, but its a moment I thought you all would enjoy.


Unknown said...

You weren't kidding when you said that you get a workout. She sure loves her daddy. I can't believe how long she stuck with you. What a riot. I can't wait to see the birthday pictures and blog.

Erin Richer said...

AIY YAIY YAIY! I wish I had that much energy. I'm sitting here pondering how Nicole makes it to the end of every day. How in the WORLD does she keep up with that girl? What a blast!