Sunday, December 21, 2008

Traveling Two Weeks Postpartum

As you can see from Bruce's posts, we had quite a day yesterday. We barely made it out of Portland, we barely made it out of Chicago, and we arrived in Cleveland, OH with no bags or car seats. Thank God, truly, that we got out because as I understand it, Portland airport is closed until Monday and more storms are heading across the country.

Sarah Kate was a dream traveler. She slept and ate the WHOLE day and barely made a sound. The rest of us didn't fare so well. Since Southwest doesn't provide meals (for free or to purchase) we spent the day eating nuts, cookies, dried fruit and pretzels. For me, it was physically harder than I imagined. I thought since I'd be tired anyway it wouldn't' be a problem, but maybe flying two weeks after giving birth isn't the best idea. I'm guessing it will take me a few days to catch up on rest and have my body stop aching.

We spent the night last night at Bruce's Aunt Kay and Uncle Henry's home in Cleveland. Bruce's dad came to get us at the airport (a 2 hour drive from their home) but since we didn't have the car seats and it was late (11 PM EST) we thought it best to spend the night and get our luggage in the morning.

Please pray for us all. Bruce's dad came down with the stomach flu last night and has been throwing up all morning. I hate throwing up! And, I can't imagine getting sick and still having to nurse a baby.

On a good note, our luggage did make it and Bruce is picking it up as I type. Once we get the car seats, we'll venture the two hours to Edinboro, PA with the girls and Bruce's dad. Please pray with me that he doesn't throw up the whole ride home and infect us all. I really want to stay healthy while we are here.

If you don't hear from us, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year!


John and Bree plus 3 (and a dog!) said...

Have a BIG glass of wine, let Grandma take care of the kiddos, and you (Nicole!) take a NAP!!! Sorry to hear that your travels were so rough. Hopefully coming home will be easier. We'll be here on this end if you need anything (like more wine and some chocolate or something like that!) Love & hugs... JBLMR

Alli Hintz said...

I'm praying for you guys. Sorry it's been a rough trip so far. Love you guys, and wish you a very Merry Christmas!! Alli

mollyb said...

We love you and miss you! This has been an interesting and crazy / nutty week of weather here - I am so glad you made it out - and in ... safely. Merry Christmas to you all ... give R-11 and S-K8 kisses from baby G and his momma & poppa. Hugs to the rest of the family too!