Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Trip - Part 2 Begins Tomorrow
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Eve: My mom started puking.
Christmas: Nicole is going south. We are waiting for her to blow chunks at any minutes. We did have fun opening gifts this morning. We were able to Skype Jeff in from Okinawa this morning so that was really nice.
Puke toll from before I came: Erin, Hannah and Ben
Puke toll since I have been home. Dad, Rachel, Mom, and we are waitig for Nicole.
I am trying to be as useful as I can before I go down hill.
And...Currently we are watching the movie Burned After Reading. Don't rent it.
Photo Shoot
Monday, December 22, 2008
She Smiles
OK so I was going to post the smiling pictures, but I thought I would just post a bunch.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Traveling Two Weeks Postpartum
Sarah Kate was a dream traveler. She slept and ate the WHOLE day and barely made a sound. The rest of us didn't fare so well. Since Southwest doesn't provide meals (for free or to purchase) we spent the day eating nuts, cookies, dried fruit and pretzels. For me, it was physically harder than I imagined. I thought since I'd be tired anyway it wouldn't' be a problem, but maybe flying two weeks after giving birth isn't the best idea. I'm guessing it will take me a few days to catch up on rest and have my body stop aching.
We spent the night last night at Bruce's Aunt Kay and Uncle Henry's home in Cleveland. Bruce's dad came to get us at the airport (a 2 hour drive from their home) but since we didn't have the car seats and it was late (11 PM EST) we thought it best to spend the night and get our luggage in the morning.
Please pray for us all. Bruce's dad came down with the stomach flu last night and has been throwing up all morning. I hate throwing up! And, I can't imagine getting sick and still having to nurse a baby.
On a good note, our luggage did make it and Bruce is picking it up as I type. Once we get the car seats, we'll venture the two hours to Edinboro, PA with the girls and Bruce's dad. Please pray with me that he doesn't throw up the whole ride home and infect us all. I really want to stay healthy while we are here.
If you don't hear from us, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
This is a picture of Rach-11 and Mom anticipating a short flight before seeing Grampa, eating dinner, and heading home for some sweet dreams.
Holiday Travel
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Random Stuff
The last section of the video was shot by Rachel. It amazes me what an almost 3 year old is capable of.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Welcome Home
Friday, December 5, 2008
Family Photos
First let me say a few things.
1. Nicole is amazing. She stuck with about 3 hours of back labor before getting an epidural and then when it came time to push got Sarah out head to toe in one push. You can see the look on Abby's face in that last set of pictures which pretty much says it all. Seeing her today with both of our children reminds me of how stinkin smart I am for asking her to marry me. She is a great mom.
2. Sarah is amazing. She is already a solid feeder and takes a pacifier and is super cute even with her diaper loads of tar poopie.
3. Rachel is amazing. She took the day away from mommy and daddy with absolute ease. And when it came time for business she did her job well by welcoming every guest into the hospital room and introduced them to her "baby sister" who by the way got her a rockin present.
4. Abby Doula is amazing. Havinig her there was truly terrific. I can not speak about all Doulas, but I speak about Abby Doula. She rocked. She encouraged Nicole and was just a huge source of confidence and comfort in the delivery room. When its your turn to bring a new one into the world you should definitely give her a call.
5. Our friends and family are amazing. Special thanks to Alison Dyer who came at 3AM to sleep in our house so we could leave for the hospital, the Crawfords who watched Rachel for full day including Rachel's First Slumber party, Molly who is now 2 for 2 at Hagerty births and is organizing meals for us, Jabke who is an amazing midwife, and 85 year old Ginny across the street who let Kaya out repeatedly today even though she is undergoing cancer treatment (some people can't be stopped). Thanks to everyone who visited and showed enthusiasm by checking the blog and calling us. I do this because I particularly love my family who live across the country and know that they wish they could be here as much as much as I wish they could be here. It has been a crazy couple of days and it has been a blast to read all your comments and receive all your phone calls. Also special thanks to Colleen "good eyes" Martin!
Lastly a quote from Rachel who is currently obsessed with poopie.
"Mommy wheres your poopie, its over there in your butt. -singing- Old Macdonald had a butt and on that butt he had some poopie E I E I O. With a poopie poopie here and a poopie poopie there"..... and so on. Know that if Nicole were doing this blog that would have not been a memorable quote. However for me, it was hysterical. Note that there was no part of the quote were Mommy responds. Rachel was off playing with her new baby and talking to herself and was perfectly content to let this one evolve on its own.
A quick aside. Several times now I have had to go back and change the pronoun "she" to an actual name of someone in my immediate family. That pronoun is becoming less and less useful for me in situations where I am trying to be specific.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Am I Having A Contraction?
Baby Time!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas Tree Hunt
I figured since I was in no rush I would let Rachel wander the acres and acres and pick her perfect tree, provided its about a 6' tall Noble Fir. She was hard to please and spent most of the time hopping on every tree stump in her path, while I walked Kaya with a make shift leash I fashioned with some tie downs I had in my truck (I am not known for my preparedness) in one hand and a saw in the other. Finally she found it! On the opposite side of the farm from my truck!! Perfect!!! I survived and she was kind enough to be interviewed about the adventure so that I could share it with you.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Luli also had to pack tonight. This was sad but Rachel found a way that she could keep from having to say good bye. Take a ride in Luli's luggage. As you can see it is totally doable. She might even fit under the 50 lb limit.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
More Acrobatics
Baby Pics
I Need To Reconsider
Cannon Beach with the Osborns
Rachel had an exciting experience. I knew I would remember a story that should be shared. I am sure some of you parents have theorized an emergency situation and pictured yourself with the super powers of super awareness and super speed that would allow you to jump in and thwart tragedy. Like imagining your child running into the road and you being able to hurry up and swoop your child to safety from oncoming traffic. Well Tim, Abby, Nicole and I were standing on the beach while their oldest Ethan and Max were a ways away playing together and their almost 2 year old Owen and Rachel were playing 20 feet away. We found ourselves lacking our super hero qualities when we looked over at the two of them and saw Owen holding a 5-6 inch diameter rock in throwing position looking at Rachel and standing about 2 feet from her. Tim let out a loud "No Owen!!" and it was too late. Owen let it loose and the boulder went flying. None of us could stop it. Vertically, the asteroid was lined up to hit her square in the forehead but it was off to the side just enough to miss her by an inch or two. We all looked at each other and I couldn't do anything but look up and say thank you. I think I am giving up my illusions of being a potential super hero and truly hope that the Good Lord continues to keep a look out for my kids the way I saw him do today.
Other than this event, It was a relaxing day up until the point that Tim found out he was going to have to put a talk together at the last minute for Sunday. Then things changed a little but until then it was a relaxing day in the sun. I am still in awe at the weather. Enjoy the pics.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
2008 Labor Day Beach Trip
Enjoy the Photos!
May I Have the Coupon
First Day of School
Also, I am adding a download link to the posts that have slideshows. I know that some of you like to download pictures and this way you don't have to visit our website to get them. It is password protected so that not just any crazy can get them. If you don't have a password just ask and I will tell you if you are a crazy or not. Basically all you have to do is click on the picture you like, write down the name of the picture. Then click on download and grab the picture you want.
Now onto this slideshow. Rachel began school last week. She is going to a Spanish immersion preschool three days a week for three hours. She has been loving it. I think the uniform is adorable. She has gone 4 times now and loves the kids and her maestra (teacher). I have not heard any Spanish yet but she can make a mean quesadilla!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Earning Her Keep
Belly Flop
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Song and Dance
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Today's Harvest
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Crafty Nicole and the Measuring Stick
Garden Update
I think throwing the irrigation in the garden and putting it on the timer was a huge plus. There has been a ton of fruit. We have yet to have any of the red peppers since they are still green and Nicole is probably going to harvest her first egg plant in the next day or so. I would imagine she will sneak it in my food at some point. She would have to as I would probably not eat it other wise. Not an eggplant fan. :(
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Random Thoughts
Anyhow, I did just hear on the radio a commentary about how U.S. culture teaches children that "prosperity" is what will ultimately make them happy. It was interesting to hear thoughts/beliefs verbalized that I didn't even know I held. I think as a parent I often think about my daughter growing up educated, doing well in school/sports/music (or whatever her little heart desires), going on to college, getting a good job and/or finding success in a career, finding a wonderful husband, getting married, living a comfortable middle class life, etc. I think more than I would want to admit I believe these things will make her "happy".
And yet, my faith teaches something different. It's not the resume or checklist of "socially acceptable" achievements that will make her happy, though they may make her life easier. I believe that God calls us to be happy and content wherever we are in life. I want my daughter to find happiness whether she's a janitor or a lawyer. I want her to be happy whether she struggles financially, living paycheck to paycheck, or whether she's swimming in dollars. I want her to be able to find happiness when life deals her the hardest hand. So how do I do this?
The commentary I heard on the radio made me really think hard about what I'll truly teach my daughter, about where I'll invest my time and resources, and the importance of my role in her life. I don't want Rachel Evan to rely on "prosperity" for life's happiness. I want her to seek God's will and purpose in her life. I want her to find true joy that comes from knowing there is more to life that what we see here. I want her to find contentment in who God made her. I pray that I'll continue to search my motives when making decision for Rachel and when teaching her things about life.
Now, on a totally different note. Today Rachel Evan said to me:
R11: "Momma, are you a woman?" (She's recently started calling me Momma.)
Nicole: "Yes, Rachel. I am a woman."
R11: "Noooo! Momma, you are not a woman. You are a mommy."
I laughed when she said this to me. I laughed hard. But, I also couldn't stop thinking about it. Even my daughter knows that we (women) give up so much to be mothers.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hiking with Grandma and Grandpa Hagerty
Lucia Falls Lucia Falls is about 30 minutes from our home. It's got a short mile loop hike, which we did, and a longer hike to Moulton Falls which we did not attempt. |
Moulton Falls |
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Bruce's Weekend Away
One thing I noticed was that on Friday night and all day saturday the outhouse had a wretched stench. However, on Sunday it was not nearly as bad. I figured out what happened. You see on Saturday evening I took on the stench of all the outhouses in the campground and set it free inside my tent around 12:00 AM. Sam and I are lucky to still be alive.
There is something very special about a men's retreat.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
McDougall Plug
Monday, July 7, 2008
Back Home
The final stop was a visit with my Aunt Linda and Christy. We had a blast there. Rachel particularly enjoyed playing with the choo choo train, filling Linda's waterfall with rocks, picking avacados and swimming. It was a great visit and a nice way to end our vacation.
All pics are up to date in the "San Diego Trip" slideshow.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Rides and Slides
The Midway was followed by a trip to some place in San Diego with food, ice cream and a carousel. I was nervous that Rachel would not like the carousel but she LOVED it! Nicole stayed off and took pictures and every time we passed her Rachel would yell, "Hi Mommy!" Towards the end she even went one handed so she could wave to her. It was a blast!
After a nap we played in the pool. Rachel is now in love with the "Little Water Slide". But Daddy has to go with her. We climb to the top, she rolls her ball down, and then down we go. She is great on the slide. All in all it was a great day. Tomorrow is the zoo! As usual today's photos have been added to the photos from this post.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park
Monday, June 30, 2008
San Diego Trip
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mommy put me in the garbage...
Rach11 - "Mommy you throw me in the garbage?"
Nicole - "What?"
Rach11 - "Mommy you throw me in the garbage? (Asking me if I'm going to put her in the garbage.)"
Nicole - "I'd never throw you in the garbage!" (I was thinking, "Where the H-LL did you get this from?")
Rach11 - "Mommy, you throw me in the garbage, and then you walk away and leave." (She says this while laughing.)
Nicole - "Honey, I'd never throw you in the garbage."
Rach11 - "Yes, and then I be sad and cry. And then I fall sleep in the garbage." (She's smiling as she says this.)
Nicole - "You're silly"
Nicole (to Bruce's mom) - "Is this normal?"
Despite this conversation, she did fine being dropped off at Kim and Kurt's. She actually walked right in, made herself at home, and waved to us as we left.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Hagerty Family Mission
During a friendly game of GHOST with family and friends, Bruce announced a new mission for our family. I thought I'd share it with you all.
Hagerty Family Mission:
To make our home a funk hole for all who enter our doors.
What's your family's mission?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Entering the blogging world
But enough about that. I've decided this would be a good way to keep in touch and let people hear from me ever now and then. This blog is really kept up by Bruce and this is my first step towards hijacking it.
I've decided my first post will be my "I Am" poem in honor of my sister-in-laws, Erin and Colleen, and the wonderful Erin Rish. I started writing it a week ago and it has undergone several revisions. I probably could revise it for another couple years (the perfectionist in me) so I just decided to post it "as is", in its unfinished state. With it, I'm posting my daughter's first photograph. This is the real me, so enjoy...
I'm not what I appear to be.
I am still figuring myself out.
I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.
And yet, I am my own self.
I am optimistic at heart.
I am hopeful (most of the time).
I am extremely emotional.
I am sensitive.
I am a lover of people.
I hurt for those who are hurting and I rejoice when others are joyful.
I am a philanthropist without (lots of) money.
I prefer to see and recognize the good in others.
I am happy in beautiful surroundings.
I am happy telling, hearing and discussing deep thoughts.
I am a traveller at heart.
I long to see and experience new places.
I am selfish and indulgent (i.e., what I eat, my desire for a "comfortable" life).
I am lazy, even in my faith.
I am stubborn and want to be right.
I am fearful people will see all my inadequacies.
I am glad I am not in control.
I am trusting there is more to this world than I can see or touch.
I am a believer in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost...
Even when I don't understand it all.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Photo Shoot
Steak Dinner With Royalty
Friday was dinner at the McDougals. Nicole saw that "her butcher man" was having a good deal on steaks so we jumped on the opportunity. Little did we know that we were going to be in the presence of royalty. Snow White and Belle showed up and we were stunned by their beauty. They even posed for a photo. How lucky were we!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Birdies have left the nest
Monday, May 26, 2008
Birds and the beans

Finally, we have finished putting in Nicoles raised beds. We planted the final seeds today. As you can see it was a family affair. I believe the crop this year will include several varieties of beans, cucumbers, egg plant, zuchini, carrots, tomatoes, and Rach-11.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Life at the Hagerty's
Also check out Bean's Blog because she has some sweet pictures on these posts too.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Summer Project Season Has Begun
I followed up that weekend by trenching my yard for a sprinkler system. I used a trencher for the first time and it did a number on me. When I returned it I mentioned that I did not expect to get a trencher with only one driven wheel. Then the appologized for not showing me how to engage the second wheel. CRAP! Even without it I manhandled that machine and got the whole front and back yard done in less than 4 hours. I will post some pictures soon. It doesnt look like much though. It looks like we were the victims of a giant mole. I am hoping to have the whole thing done by the end of next weekend. Thats the goal anyway....we will keep you posted.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Anyway, what is new... I guess the biggest news is that Nicole is pregnant so Rachel will have that little sibling she has never asked for. I am hoping she has a brother. Of course I hoped she would be a boy too and I am very glad I didn't get what I asked for. However, this time it would be nice....
To Erin: Brandi Carlile - The Story (you're welcome)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
New Photos Posted
Monday, March 3, 2008
Pictures of Rachel from Jessicas Visit
Friday, February 1, 2008
Jessica's Pictures from Christmas
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Rachel's 2nd Birthday Party
Following the photo we brought out the ice cream cake. There was plenty of help from Rachel's friends when it came to blowing out the candles. Lydia ultimately came through for her.
Be sure to check out the rest of the photos from the party by clicking here.
January Videos
The next one is one of her reading her kisses book. Seeing as how she says hello to all of you it it, I felt I needed to included it.